Thursday, October 11, 2007

There Is No Nice Way To Say This....

This being my first ever all time blog, I will need to get somethings out of the way. Let me set you an example.

Have you ever been at a party or a dinner/drinks and everything is going swimmingly. The cuteish chick in the corner has just joined your conversational circle, and the night seems to be heading in what some may term as "the right direction".
Then and only then, the smart arse to your left , response to a comment all too quickly. So quickly in fact, that you know that it has gone straight from the brain to the mouth and bypassed the official "Check what you are about to say , before saying it" organ (aka, measure twice, cut once). Political Correctness is thrown out the window. Half the group laugh, the other half stare blankly. The room chooses that moment to fall into a lull of silence & the cute girl wavers, slaps the commenter, then failing the appearance of a white knight, flees.

Typically thats me. Now I know you are thinking , "well he must be the chap, that the cute(ish) girl is talking to" I know you are thinking that, and your dead wrong. I am the one slightly to the left with a fading pink hand print on his cheek, and sheepish look.

So this blog is to be a safe and slap free way of me venting and/or ranting. I generally have 5 things to rant about a day, but my safety catch ( commonly know as " lazy arsedness" ) will prevent me blogging with any kind efficiency.

So keep an eye out for my future blogs, or not. I hope you enjoy reading my rants and other random thoughts that I may have, and if not, then get bent.

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